In loving memory of the late Ms. Sabrina Yusoof, who endeavored to transform the world into a better place by putting her heart and soul into projects carried out under the Global Goodness initiative for EFL Global. She was passionate about creating a greener and more sustainable world for everyone through her tireless efforts. She made a profound impact on the future direction of sustainability programs by launching EFL Next Gen, a considerable effort made to invest in enlightening the future generations on sustainable development.
A spirited personality, with a tender heart whose generosity was a light we lost too soon. May her soul live on through the many precious memories we have treasured over the years. As she passes from this life, those of us who are left behind can see all that she achieved. We celebrate her extraordinary life, through the many initiatives initiated by her, remembering her legacy through the inextinguishable eternal flame burning through every project henceforth.

The embodiment of the late Ms. Sabrina Yusoof's vision was to engage in sustainable projects that advance societal goals as she believed the power to transform the world lies within us.
These long-term projects create a significant positive impact on the environment and community ecosystems across our global operations. We continue to encourage employee engagement and seek out partnerships to add value to our efforts. As a corporate entity, it is part of our responsibility to foster a more conscious life to sustain our planet.

Facilitate long-term endeavors that enhance societal goals, while strengthening our core business approaches by aligning them with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.
We are a socially responsible corporation that works towards giving back to the communities and people that support the growth of our business. Not only do we strive to empower our employees, but we are also particular about uplifting our local communities to the best of our abilities. Therefore, as a logistics company, we use our services and expertise in this industry to assist with immediate disaster relief by collaborating with local organizations, so that all efforts directly benefit the people affected.

We work to preserve life on land and water. We helped affected fishing communities and assisted with the beach clean up after the Xpress Pearl incident.

We continue to educate our children about marine life and convservation, specifically turtles, to safeguard the species.

We launched the Next Gen initiative to organize projects that educate children on issues like climate change and environmental conservation.