Ocean Shipping Reform act (OSRA) D&D Dispute Resolution - 46 CFR 541.6

Ocean Shipping Reform act (OSRA) D&D Dispute Resolution - 46 CFR 541.6

To inquire or file a D&D dispute under the OSRA regulations, please email OSRA-Disputes@efl.global

The inquiry or dispute must include the following information at a minimum. Additional information may be requested as part of the dispute resolution process.

  • Customer Name:
  • Invoice Number:
  • Invoice Date:
  • Line Item / Item Description:
  • Detention Days Disputing:
  • Demurrage Days Disputing:
  • Total Dispute Amount:
  • Detailed Reason for Dispute:                 

Disputes will be reviewed and resolved within 30 calendar days of receipt. Disputes must be received timely within 30 days of invoice receipt buy the billed party to be considered.

If we are unable to resolve your dispute within 30 days we will work with the dispute party on an acceptable date to complete the dispute.

This disputes form complies with the Dispute Resolution requirements under 46 CFR 541.6(d).

Disputes are not considered valid unless filed timely with the required minimum information.