Each year, the Philippines is struck with a food deficit caused by the combined effects of human negligence and natural disasters. Per a report from CNN, an estimated 3.6 million families did not have access to food in three months of 2019. As a result, they suffer from involuntary hunger. The number of individuals who experience extreme hunger in these areas continue to rise.
To ease the food deficit, EFL Philippines partnered with Project Pearls, a local NGO that improves the lives of poor children by giving them PEARLS: Peace, Education, Aspiration, Respect, Love and Smiles. This is done through provisions of nutrition, education and healthcare in these extreme poverty-stricken areas of the Philippines.
Since January 2019, EFL has sponsored a food program that takes place once a month. EFL employees volunteer to provide a healthy meal for 300 underprivileged children in Helping Land, Tondo, followed by storytelling, therapeutic art sessions and other educational projects to make a positive impact on these children.